If you build it they will come! Not a ball diamond in a corn field, but if you dismantle a bridge over the Thames River in London, England and reassemble it over some Arizona desert beside the Colorado River, people will come! One of the most famous features of Lake Havasu City is the London Bridge. In 1968 the bridge was relocated to Arizona and put back together over desert land where the Colorado bends around what is now known as the Island. After the bridge was constructed a

channel was dug to let the water flow beneath the bridge and form the Island at Lake Havasu City. Our home for a week was located on the edge of the Island where we could watch the sun rise from our living room in the morning and watch it set from our bedroom in the evening.

Now, the Bridge is cool but the main reason we headed to the border of Arizona and California was that back in 1973, shortly after the bridge was built, George and Eve Jedicke ( June’s parents ) flew to Lake Havasu City and purchased some barren land with the thought of wintering/retiring there in the future. The dry climate, the warm sun was to be very good for George’s arthritis. The Jedickes took a road trip with a trailer and travelled west, June being just 8 yrs old at the time and spent a couple weeks on the “Island” and visited the land. So, this was more of a sentimental trip for us. We unfortunately did not get a spot in the same campground but were just down the street. Sadly, a few years later George would be diagnosed with cancer and would not live to see this dream come true.

Our first priority was to find the “old lot” so, after stopping at the Visitor Centre and taking their recommendation of going to the municipal offices we cycled over there. After being redirected to another office in the building, June came out with 1399 Bentley Boulevard written on a piece of paper. With emotions running high we decided we were half way there so we cycled up to the address. Standing there looking at the house that is now there June remembers the wash that ran down the hill beside the lot. Oh what could have been. We had driven through Lake Havasu City in the past on one of our trips to Arizona but this was the first time that we knew we were looking at the correct spot.
Now it was time to entertain again, Peter and Dianne, who are still wintering in Arizona and had come to spend 2 nights with us. We made the most of their full day with us waking up early at 5 AM and set up the telescope. We observed Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in the morning sky , Alberio and Nu Draconis (double stars) as well as a couple globular clusters (M4 & M80). All before breakfast! We then took them over to see “the lot” at 1399 Bentley, another emotional time for the Jedicke siblings. Then off we went for a hike called “Sara’s Crack”. The hike was not a hard hike, but very cool, as it goes through a cavern in the rocks and finishes out at a cove in the lake. With this being Super Bowl Sunday, there were no big motor boats on the lake making noise so we were able to enjoy some quiet time while we sat on our patio having some cocktails at sunset.

We were never really alone here, after they left we met up with Bob, Ann, Bear and Wags again as they travelled up from Rincon East to Lake Havasu arriving the day after us. They stayed at the State Park which was close by so we managed to meet them a couple of times. They took us down to Parker Dam to show us the Wild Burros and for Mexican food at a little local diner. We also drove into a couple of the other State Parks that line the river. Then before we left we met them (and Marilyn) for a hike at Craggy Wash, dinner at Hanger 24 and then drinks on our patio before saying our goodbyes.

It was a good week, beautiful sunrise and sunsets, family and friends, nostalgia and even a little bit of decent cycling.
With these pictures you are taking during your adventure…. there is a gallery showing in your futures. Each one is more beautiful than the last.
I did not know this story about your Lake Havasu property. What a wonderful, albeit sad, story.
So cool that you remember it, and were able to visit the location with Peter. Memories…
It was super to etch new memories of Lake Havasu. I know June was only little when we were there for the holidays in 1974-75, but the old memories are still there too