Bryce Canyon National Park, UT, April 18-25/22

So, after a great week in Zion we drove just a little over an hour to the north east and parked our home just outside the gate to Bryce Canyon National Park. The park is not near as large as Zion and not near as many people either. However, what it lacks in size it sure makes up for in stature. It is absolutely gorgeous and on our first day we took the bus shuttle to the furthest point of the canyon and walked along the rim and just took in the shear beauty of the canyon.

A view from the southwest rim.

More views of the canyon.

The next day it was time to head down into the canyon and walk amongst the hoodoos!

The start of the trail going down.

Beauty all around.

We also hiked south past the main canyon and visited the “Hat Shop”!

Other features of the Canyon is the different shapes that appear. Like the dog rock and Queen Victoria.

And even, ET!

With it still being April and since we were at over 2,500 meters elevation, one day we had beautiful sunshine and the temperature in the high teens and then overnight it snowed! This made the canyon spectacular again in a different light. So, once again we just hiked along the upper rim instead of tackling the snow on the trails going down into the canyon.

The snow accenting the canyon.

With the warmth of the day the snow melted and the next day we could hike the canyon again.

Another feature, London Bridge!

Wow, what another amazing week. It is almost too much to take in when you do a week in Zion and a week in Bryce. With Bryce being smaller we actually hiked every trail in the main part of the park.

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